
4.2 ( 3952 ratings )
Biznes Rozrywka
Desenvolvedor: Melynda Caudle

Scan it, grab it, got it!
A couple of clicks and youve grabbed a song, video, or pdf for that instant experience using your phone, even your favorite shirt or product can be grabbed and sent directly to your home...or pick itt up at Will Call at the end of the show!!! - Tell your favorite bands you want itt!

Use grabbitt to have a better experience at music, art,  and creative events
Capture the content of the event instantaneously on your phone with a simple scan 
Easily find the grabbitt opportunities in your area
Replaces your credit card and the cash register/square with your phone - buying YOUR way - easy and uncluttered
No more waiting in line for the stuff you love - scan itt, grab itt
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